Sallie Baxendale is a respected neuropsychologist. She has published books and
studies over many years about brain function, brain structure and brain
development. In this video clip, she reports on her work which has analyzed the
research studies which have looked at the impact on brain development of
puberty blockers. Sallie highlights:
the complexities involved in brain research
the critical periods for brain development
the fact that puberty is a critical period for brain development which is hormonally
there are clear sex differences in brain development during puberty driven by sex
no research currently exists which demonstrates that puberty blockers are
there is cause to have major concerns about the use of puberty blockers given
the potential for harms
Given all of the above, it is hard to justify any use of puberty blockers with
children as the evidence is simply not available to demonstrate any positive
Baxendale states that the fact that puberty blockers have been used as a
treatment for gender questioning children for a number of years without having
good research about the outcomes, constitutes a medical scandal.